Tuesday, May 24, 2011

H2O Audio. Best. Invention. EVER!

As most of you other swimmers out there can sympathize, swimming can be just dreadfully boring.  Its lonely.  Only a black line to stare at (or worse, muddy water if you’re in a lake), and the sound of your exhaled bubbles to keep you company.  It doesn’t even console me to do swim workouts with other people because you can’t talk and swim simultaneously…duh!!! 

I have been intrigued by H2O Audio products for some time now.  A few weeks ago, I received and email asking if I would like to try out and review their Interval 4G for an iPod shuffle 4g….um, HECK yeah!!!!  I was so eager in fact, I went out and bought a shuffle the next day!

Although I don’t normally run with music, the thoughts of being able to swim with music made as giddy as the day I thought miniature giraffes really did exist! (yes, I am that gullible!)

Opulence….I has it!

I did have my doubts.  Would it actually work, would I be able to hear it over my roaring exhalations, would they stay in my ears, would I be electrocuted, would by iPod get waterlogged???  I tested out the water seal prior to putting my precious new shuffle into the case.  I submerged it for 30 minutes, as per the instructions.  I opened it cautiously……great….no water….time to go into your case little iPod…stay dry!


I couldn’t get to the Y fast enough.  I was so excited!  I got in the water with my iPod safely strapped to my head and put my earphones in.  Pearl Jam was blasting in my ears and I was so excited to get started that I forgot to put the actual goggles over my eyes and I started down the lane without my goggles on.  Embarrassing, what a tool!!

I was shocked at how clear the music was!  I could still hear a little bit of my bubbling down the lane, but I didn’t mind that.  I think it would be a little too surreal to not hear some of the bubbles. Music + swimming = Heaven!  I do have to do a little work on my swim playlist.  Most of my songs are better suited for a run cadence, and it got me a little too amped and off my rhythm.  I was probably going a little faster than normal.   

The earbuds fit surprisingly well.  And I can’t imagine that they wouldn’t fit in EVERYONE’s ears.  The case itself comes with 4 different sizes of earbuds, surely there’s a size for everybody!  I (ahem) had to go with XL, for my GInormous ear holes.  But I was also sent the Pro Fit Kit to try which comes with 9 sets of different size and shape earbuds.  Once they are in and you get a good seal, you are good to go. OH!!!!  And another plus….the earbuds keep the water out of your ears by default.  BONUS!!!!

photo (2)

As for the overall fit, I was worried that the unit on the back of my head would drive me crazy or slide down.  NOPE, neither of those happened.  I actually couldn’t feel it at all.  And the cords to the earbuds are so short that they easily tuck under your cap and are completely out of the way. 


The lifeguard was eyeballing me curiously.  I’m not sure what he thought of me, I tried to keep my new goodies as inconspicuous as possible.  I’m just hoping that he didn’t call and put in bug in the aquatics director’s ear about electronics in the pool. 

H2O Audio also sells other waterproof cases for various electronics, iPhones, iPod Touch, nano, other MP3 players, waterproof armbands for running.  I will definitely be getting a case for my iPhone, it will sure beat the ziploc bag it resides in while cycling! 

The only negative I can think of is how boring swimming will be in circumstances that I can’t carry music i.e., races.  That will be a bummer!  This is honest to goodness one of the best pieces of gear that I have.  I literally can’t wait to go swimming again.  I swear, I never thought those words would come out of my mouth!

And for your viewing entertainment, a short clip of me swimming in my pool at home. Feel free to critique my stroke LOL!

I give H2O Audio Interval 4G a 5+ enthusiastic parachute jacket seal of approval!


So, pop on over to H2O Audio and pick yourself up an Interval 4G or a waterproof armband case.  You will NOT be disappointed!!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Gel-Bot Review

I recently received a Gel-Bot from Hydrapak to try out. I was honestly a little nervous about testing this product at first due to my previous history with Gu during a half-marathon. But being the budding triathlete that I am, I’m really confused about how to fuel and the logistics of fueling while on a bike during a race. I’m not comfortable enough to casually eat my Chomps or Fig Newtons, or suck down a pack of gel while whizzing down the road on my bike. The Gel-Bot helps ease some of my fueling anxiety, if I can manage to drink from a bottle on a bike, I can eat Gu too! IMG_4845

When I first opened up the package, I noticed the bottle seemed HUGE. This is a 24oz bottle (they also have a 20oz) and I had my doubts that I could carry it. But once I put it side by side to another hand held, its not so big. My next worry was, how do I carry it? I asked the folks at Outside PR if there was a carrier, and well….yes there is!!!! And was promptly sent one!!!! It also fits very nicely in a regular ol’ bottle holder on a bike and it will make fueling mid ride much easier (and safer!!!) for me! YAY!!! The gel vial holds enough for 2 pack of Gu.


IMG_4846The bottle is simple enough to use. Put 1 or 2 packs of Gu in the gel chamber, push up the bottom of the chamber like a push pop to get excess air out, push the chamber onto the lid, and screw the lid onto the bottle. Voila!!!! To drink water you pull the nozzle up all the way, to get gel push it down. Sucking the gel out of a bottle is a TON easier than fiddling with foil packets, awkwardly sucking the gel out of the packet, then having to worry about where to put the empty packet. (OOOO, it burns me up to see athletes toss empty Gu packets on the ground!!!!) This bottle is all-inclusive, no mess, no fussing, all. in. one! I have both run and ridden with it and it worked like a charm. And I dare say, I actually tolerated the Gu. Instead of having to gulp down an entire packet at one time, you can take small sips of it giving my body a steady stream of glucose and electrolytes instead of dumping it into my fragile stomach all at one time!!!! Thank you Gel-Bot for helping me tolerate Gu again!!!!

I have heard some people complain about it being difficult to clean, but I found its easier if you disassemble the gel vial completely and put the small pieces in the utensil part of your dishwasher. Then turn the top of the bottle upside down (so the nozzle is pointing down) with the nozzle open to the gel setting, the little bit of remaining gel in the nozzle will simply ooze out. If you have kids and still have your baby bottle brushes, that would work well too.

One thing I would like to see in possible future models…..I wish the gel tube actually screwed into the top of the bottle. As it is now, it just pushes into the top. I am always a little paranoid that I won’t push it all the way in and the vial of gel will fall off into my water making a weird gel slurry. Other than that its great.

I give the Gel-Bot 4 1/2 parachute jackets!
